5 Best Brands of Press on Fake Nails For Toes - That Fits - Easy Nail Tech (2025)

5 Best Brands of Press on Fake Nails For Toes - That Fits - Easy Nail Tech (1)

Press on Fake Nails is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make your toenails look amazing.

So in this article, I am gonna share with you 5 of the best brands to easily and quickly make your toenails look amazing.

The 5 Best Press on Fake Nails for Toes are:

  1. Dashing Diva Fake Toenails (Affordable, high-quality with a wide variety of designs to choose from)
  2. Kiss Press on Toenails
  3. Maitys Press on Nails for Toes (Very budget-friendly)
  4. Etsy (Gives you custom made designs & sizes)
  5. Manime Stick on Gel for Toes

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1- Dashing Diva Press on Fake Toenails

Dashing Diva has one of the best and largest collections of Press on Nails for your toes. They are one of the few large beauty companies that make Press on Nails for your toes.

Pros of Dashing Diva Fake Toenails

  1. Amazing designs and colors to choose from
  2. Easy to apply – just peel of the clear backing on the back and paste it on your nails, gonna leave a video below for step by step directions
  3. Easy to remove – just soak in warm soapy water for 2 minutes and then use a cuticle stick to lift them off.
  4. Can be reused – the designs are water-resistant so you can reuse them.

How to Apply Dashing Diva Fake Toenails

Cons of Dashing Diva Fake Toenails

The main issue with Dashing Diva’s Fake Toenails is that they come with their own built-in adhesive.

Now, these built-in adhesives do make the nails easier to apply and remove. But they aren’t very durable and are prone to lifting when compared to using nail glue. So these nails might give you 5-7 days of wear before lifting.

But you shouldn’t wear Press on Nails on toes for too long or you risk getting a toenail infection – so 5 days of wear is good.

You see your toenails are more prone to developing infections when compared to your fingernails. And Press on Nails can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi which is why you shouldn’t wear them for too long.

Where to Get Dashing Diva Fake Toenails

You can click here to go to their website and see their collection.

Are Press on Fake Nails Safe for Your Toenails

You can safely wear Press on Nails or Fake Nails on your toes as long as you keep your toenails dry and clean and you dont wear them for too long.

You see your toenails are more prone to developing infections. This is because your toenails are usually inside your shoes which can get pretty hot and sweaty. And this can be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Now Press on Nails significantly increases the chances of developing an infection. This is because bacteria and fungi can grow under your Press on Nails.

To keep your press on nail toenails from developing an infection you need to:

  1. Dry you nails thoroughly before wearing your shoes – I recommend even blow drying them.
  2. Do not wear your Press on Nails for too long – I recommend wearing them for 2-3 days and then taking them off.
  3. Clean your nails properly before applying the Press on Nails – You can wipe them down with rubbing alchohol to kill any bacteria.
  4. Wear open foot wear – so that your Press on Nails can breathe, this prevents sweat and moisture from building up.

2- Kiss Press on Nails for Toes

5 Best Brands of Press on Fake Nails For Toes - That Fits - Easy Nail Tech (2)

Kiss french press on toenail has a really nice design that looks very simple.

Their french fake toenails are affordable, easy to apply, and very durable since they use nail glue.

But they are more difficult to remove, you would need to soak them in a mixture of oil, soap, and warm water for around 10-15 minutes before using a cuticle stick to lift them up.

Now I think Kiss French nails are ideal if you just want to:

  • quickly and easily make your toenails looks nice and neat
  • hide your toenails if they are deformed or their growth is stunted.
  • cover a broken toenail.

Click here to read my article

Where to Get Kiss Press on Toenails

You can click here to see the price for a set of Kiss French Press on Toenails on Amazon.

3- Maitys Press on Nails for Toes

Maitys is a budget-friendly brand that sells press on nails in large sets at very affordable prices.

Now what I really like about them is that each of their sets comes with 12 different colors and designs to choose from. This means that each of their sets can give you 12 different pedicures.

Maitys Press on Toenails are easy to use and are very affordable.

But the main issue with them is that they aren’t too high-quality. You see they aren’t very durable and their colors and designs tend to fade faster when compared to more premium brands.

This is because premium brands like Dashing Diva usually cover their press on nails with a gel coat.

Where to Get Maitys Press on Toenails

You can get them on Amazon, you can click here to see the current price for a set there.

Now I also recommend that you use a good nail glue if you are using Maitys. You can click here to see the price for a really strong nail glue on Amazon.

4- Etsy Press on Toenails

Etsy is an online store that have sellers who make and sell custom-made products such as handcrafted jewellery and accessories.

And they have a ton of sellers who make and sell custom-made Press on Nails both for your fingernails and your toes.

Now its important to note that the price and quality will vary with each seller, so ensure that you read the reviews for each seller.

You can click here to check out Etsy.com. Then once you are on the site you just need to a search for press on nails for toes.

5- Manime Stick on Gel for Toes

Manime Stick on Gel is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get a nicely done pedicure or manicure.

Stick on Gels are very similiar to Press on Nails except they are not a hard nail that you paste on. They are more like nail stickers just that they are made of gel instead of vinyl.

Pros of Manime Stick on Gels

  1. Very easy to apply – all you need to do is peel them off and paste them onto your toenails.
  2. Durable – can last for 10 days if you apply a top coat over them.
  3. Fits Your Nails Perfectly – Manime is extra unique in that they use 3d imaging to get your exact nail size so they can make the Stick on Gel to fit your nails exactly.
  4. Safer than Press on Nails – Manime is less likely to cause a nail infection – this is because Manime is pasted closely onto your nails there is not gap for bacteria and fungi to grow.

You can see how Manime Stick on Gel works in the video below.

Cons of Manime Stick on Gels

  1. Cost more – stick on gel tend to be more pricey compared to most brands of Press on Nails.
  2. Can’t work as a replacement toenail

Where to Get Manime Stick on Gel

You can click here to go to Manime’s website to check out their collection of Stick on Gel for your toes.

5 Best Brands of Press on Fake Nails For Toes - That Fits - Easy Nail Tech (2025)
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