Generator Quiet Box and Other Ways to Reduce Generator Noise (2024)

The constant hum of a generator at night can be very annoying to some! Luckily reducing the noise from your portable generator is easier than you think, with just a few simple steps you can rest soundly next time you are camping or RVing. Not only will it help your sleep, but a quiet portable generator also makes for happy neighbors and won’t scare away wildlife. A generator quiet box and other generator box options are the first thought, but there is so much more to help noise!

All generators produce some noise – typically a buzzing noise – in their motors, which carries out through the exhaust pipe. The biggest bang for your buck is figuring out the best way todecreasethe sound from the exhaust.

A great metric for determining how loud a generator is is by using THD. This stands for total harmonic distortion and we’ve created a helpful guide to show our 3 favorite low thd generators.

Sound is not linear, but logarithmic – meaning a 10 decibel decrease in sound, is perceived to be a 50% reduction! Good for us, the small steps we take to reduce sound will make a world of a difference!

Below are the most effective ways to reduce noise on your portable generator with estimated impact:

Table of Contents

  • Buy a quiet generator – High noise reduction
  • Build a generator quiet box – High noise reduction
  • Add a muffler to your generator – High noise reduction
  • Water absorption – High noise reduction
  • Rubber absorption – Medium noise reduction
  • Plywood boards – Medium noise reduction
  • Redirect exhaust pipe – Medium noise reduction
  • Move the generator away from the campsite – Medium noise reduction
  • Wrap it up!

Buy a quiet generator – High noise reduction

If you are looking to reduce your generator noise a large amount – you should first buy a quiet generator – most likely an inverter. Check out our topquiet portable generatorpick.

Its worth noting that 1) large generators create more noise, and 2) all else being equal inverter generators are quieter due to the more advanced technology used.

Build a generator quiet box – High noise reduction

It is really easy to build your own DIY baffle box or generator sound box. You want toenclose the generator with a DIY sound box to lessen noise. The trick is making sure that your generatordoes not overheat and at the same time you have easy access to the power cord while in use.

Unfortunately there are not many pre-made baffle sound boxes on the marketplace. Roll up your shelves and head to your local hardware store to make your own in a weekend afternoon. If you find yourself in a pinch, a ready madeweather covercan do a nice job.

Check out the video below to see a custom system. This DIYer put together a very impressive set for his inverter generator (a Honda EU2000i).

We’ve also written a helpful guide on building or buying a portable generator shelter to keep your generator safe from outdoor elements.

Add a muffler to your generator – High noise reduction

If you are handy with welding and mechanics you should check out the video below. This DIYer added a muffler to his generator to reduce noise. Mufflers are premade to reduce the noise of a car, so logically installing one on your generator will have the same impact.Consult an expert before doing this yourself though!

The video below shows a homemade muffler attachment that reduced the noise on his generator.

Water absorption – High noise reduction

A very simple way to reduce noise involves a hose, water, and bucket! Attach one end of the house to the exhaust of the generator and then put the other end of the hose in a bucket of water. To prevent a fire, be sure to useflex tube made of galvanized metal (NOT A RUBBER HOSE).

The sound goes through the hose and is muffled by the water. Of course, keep your generator away from the water. Also make sure toadd a small hole to the hose at the high point. This lets air flow in the hose preventing any air pressure to build up. This keeps water from sucking back into the generator and possibly ruining it!

Rubber absorption – Medium noise reduction

If your generator is sitting on something hard – say concrete – it is going to make more noise as the engine runs and the unit shakes a bit. Placing your generator on something soft (thinkrubber mat) willdampen the noise caused by vibrations. If you are out camping or RVing, then try to find a nice soft patch of ground. Dry soil can create a lot of noise, so for this situation a rubber mat works nicely.

Plywood boards – Medium noise reduction

Plywood boards are acheap and easy way to dampen generator noise. Just lean 2 or 3 around your generator to reduce the noise. Be sure you are not blocking the exhaust and airflow and make sure no plywood boards are leaning against the generator. Try to build a box or triangle around the generator without touching.

If you would like to purchase something more substantial and pre-made – check out the Quiet Fence below.

Redirect exhaust pipe – Medium noise reduction

Sometimes simple solutions can help a lot. By positioning the exhaust pipe of your generator in a vertical position, the sound is redirected upwards, greatly reducing generator noise. Pointing the exhaust (and the noise) up into the skyworks well to lessen noise when camping in an open space. The sound moves up and disappears into the sky!

Move the generator away from the campsite – Medium noise reduction

This is an obvious statement – moving your generator away will also reduce noise (big surprise right). With a long extension cordyou can target 50 to 100 feet away. Be friendly to neighbors and make sure you aren’t creating more noise for anyone else! As annoying as a generator sound can be, its even more annoying when it’s not your own!

Wrap it up!

After going through the top ways to reduce generator noise, here is what I would do. First buy a quiet inverter generatorto make your life easier.

If you already have one, then head out to the hardware store and cut plywood to make your own generator quiet box. Buy an extension cord (preferably 100 feet), then place your generator far away from your campsite, inside the box, with the exhaust pipe pointed to the sky.

Not the most flashy method but it works great and makes a big difference!

Generator Quiet Box and Other Ways to Reduce Generator Noise (2024)


Generator Quiet Box and Other Ways to Reduce Generator Noise? ›

If your generator box is metal (most commonly seen when attached to a vehicle), a lot of the noise is due to vibrational energy. The key to stopping this structure-borne noise is decoupling the generator from the floor (with rubber mounts) and a sound deadening material such as Damplifier Pro.

How can I make my generator sound less? ›

How to Quiet a Generator
  1. 1 Reposition the exhaust pipe.
  2. 2 Move the generator away from you.
  3. 3 Set up the generator on a soft surface.
  4. 4 Get rubber feet for the generator.
  5. 5 Muffle the generator with water.
  6. 6 Use sound deflectors.
  7. 7 Get an acoustic enclosure box for the generator.
  8. 8 Replace the generator's muffler.

How can I reduce the noise of my home generator? ›

Dampen Vibrations with Anti-Vibration Pads

The vibrations from your generator contribute to noise levels. Placing anti-vibration pads underneath can absorb these vibrations, reducing noise and mechanical stress.

What is the best sound deadening material for a generator? ›

For effective generator soundproofing, use materials like mass-loaded vinyl (MLV) for blocking noise and closed-cell foam for sound absorption. Additionally, incorporating soundproof panels and anti-vibration mounts can further reduce noise transmission.

Can you put a silencer on a generator? ›

A generator slip-on silencer suppresses noise from the generator. They stop the generator's noise at the source—its duct fan, which creates loud vibrations as it works. Buy a silencer that'll fit your generator; they're made for both larger and portable generators.

Does an inverter make a generator quieter? ›

But inverter generators are better in a variety of ways: They're quieter than traditional portable generators. They're more efficient, so they use less fuel. They deliver cleaner power, which can be important if you're plugging in sensitive electronic equipment or medical devices.

How do you make a noise Cancelling box? ›

Line the inside of the box with 1-3/8″ thick mass loaded vinyl composite foam. Along the bottom edge (that is resting on the floor) apply the peel and stick a door jamb seal to the bottom. On the outside, caulk all the seams where one wall meets another with acoustical caulk. That's it, that's the sound barrier.

How can I make my onboard generator quieter? ›

Face the generator's exhaust either straight up, or away from your campsite. This simply diverts the exhaust noise away from you, effectively quieting the generator.

Is there a noiseless generator? ›

A completely silent generator has yet to be invented, but these brands all operate at a level similar to an air conditioner condenser, with some even quieter.

Why are whole house generators so loud? ›

Larger Engine: Liquid-cooled models often have bigger engines to handle more power output, which are noisier. Cooling System: The components of the cooling system themselves (like the water pump) add to the noise.

Is there a generator that is not noisy? ›

1. The Honda EU10i – The Quietest. The Honda EU10i is one of the quietest inverter generators you can buy. Running at just 52 dBA, it's ideal for those looking for a reliable, lightweight and high performing generator that won't disrupt the neighbours.

Can you put a muffler on a Generac generator? ›

Content. Generac portable generators feature a low-tone muffler straight from the factory. Generac does not offer a kit or recommend making any changes to the generator or exhaust system, as that can void the warranty and UL listing.

Can you build a box around a generator to make it quieter? ›

For soundproofing a generator, we recommend building a generator soundproof box, and adding sound absorption materials inside the box. The best material for getting a combination of soundproofing and sound absorption is our BlocknZorbe Sound panels featured below!

How do I make my generator not loud? ›

5 Ways to Quiet a Generator
  1. Distance. Let's start with the easiest, cheapest solution. ...
  2. Acoustic Barriers – Enclosures, Walls, and Fencing. Residential HVAC with a fence and acoustical treatment to reduce the noise. ...
  3. Soundproofed Enclosures. ...
  4. Anti-Vibration Mounts (AVM)
Jun 14, 2024

How to soundproof a noisy generator? ›

5 Ways To Make Your Generator Quieter
  1. Distance. ...
  2. Acoustic Barriers - Walls, Enclosures, Fencing. ...
  3. Acoustic Insulation. ...
  4. Anti-Vibration Mounts (AVM) ...
  5. Attenuators.

Is it possible to make a generator quiet? ›

Acoustic Barriers - Walls, Enclosures, Fencing

Similarly, standard generator canopies and enclosures can reduce noise by at least 10dB, whilst custom built enclosures have an even bigger impact. If an enclosure alone doesn't do the trick, use acoustic fencing to create an additional barrier.

Why is my generator sound so high? ›

If the fuel system in your standby generator isn't properly maintained, it can lead to unwanted noise. Over time, the fuel filter may become clogged with debris, and the fuel injectors may become stuck in either an opened or closed position. Both of these scenarios lead to a louder generator.

How do you reduce the frequency of a generator? ›

To change the output frequency to 50 Hz for the same generator configuration, the engine speed needs to be reduced to 3,000 rpm. Similarly, for a 4-pole generator, an engine speed of 1,800 rpm produces output of 60 Hz. Reducing the engine speed to 1,500 rpm yields an output of 50 Hz.

What is the lowest noise level for a generator? ›

Generators are considered quiet when they are rated for a 50-60 decibel (dB) range by the manufacturer at the specified distance. There are, however, factors that complicate this simple-seeming statement. In order to understand how loud a generator is, it's important to understand how sound is measured.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.