THE SELMA TIMES JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1949 NINE PHONE of PHONE 75 75 News Society--Club Notes--Personal Mention Today's Thought THREE WILLOWS Silver clad, the willows Lean to the shadowed water. The first with face averted Weeps (she knows not the reason), Spilling shy tears of silver Streamward. Narcissus-like, the second Kneels to her own cool image, Brooding on bend reflection In rippled waters. The third, with sad cool fingers Stirred to the stream's rhythm. Laves her long green hair In a silver pool.
Down to the shadowed water Three willows lean. -Dorothy Cara MISS BETTY BURKE HONORED AT SHOWER Miss Betty Burke, the bride-to-be of William Russell Buster, was honoree! at a miscellaneous shower at which Mrs. Joe Traylor, and Mrs. Littleton Edwards entertained jointly Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Traylor at Sardis.
In the living-room and den, the floral decorations were pink dahlias, vari-colored zinnias and other mixed garden flowers. The bridal colors of green and white were carried out in the dining-room. An embroidered cut-work cloth draped the table which was centered by daisies and in a crystal bowl which the gardenias, other appointments. The decorative setting was lighted by white tapers. Miss Virginia Buster, a sister of the bridegroo presided at the punch bowl.
For the cecasion, Miss Burke wore a trousseau dress of navy organdie with yellow accessories. Her corsage was of white Dutch iris. The guests were Mrs. Don Burke, mother of the honoree, and Mrs. Don Burke, Mrs.
W. R. Buster, mother of the bridegroomto-be, Miss Virginia Buster, Mrs. Joe Traylor, Mrs. Emmett Dendy, Mrs.
J. B. Hain, Mrs. Eddie Hood, Mrs. Joe Traylor, Mrs.
Paul Mayo, Mrs. J. B. Mayo, Mrs. J.
B. Mayo, Miss Nettie Mayo, Mrs. Joe Hardy, Mrs. McIver Lide, Mrs. Traylor Lide, J.
Chance, Mrs. Ray Chance, Mrs. Edwin Earl Chance, Miss Alice Sims, Mrs. Martin Williamson, Mrs. Henry Lide, Mrs.
Ed Hain, Misses. Mary, Martha and Lillian Hain, Mrs. John Buster, Mrs. Connie Money, Miss Judith Stewart, Mrs. J.
H. Hain, Miss Jane Hain, Mrs. Hunter Kendall, Miss Shearer Kendall, Mrs. Bill Perry, Anne Perry and Mrs. Ruby Mae Hardy.
NEW OFFICERS FOR LEGION AUXILIARY The American Legion Auxiliary will again be headed during 1949-50 by Mrs. W. F. Speigner as president, her return to the office which she held during the year just closed having taken place at the election meeting the past Tuesday evening. Officers who will serve with her are Mrs.
J. B. Bronaugh, first vice Mrs. J. H.
Griffin, second vice-president; Mrs. C. K. Porter, treasurer. Mrs.
Lee T. Smith, secretary; Mrs. G. W. Osburn, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs.
P. A. Pennington, historian; and Mrs. Charlie Jones, chaplain. Auxiliary members met at the Legion Club, where they entertained their husbands at a barbecue during the social hour which followed the business session.
MISS SUSAN CHERRY ERVIN, above, is the bride-1 of Cornelius Clifton McKelvey, of Selma, their marriage to be an event of August 6. Announcement of the engagement is made today by Miss Ervin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel James Ervin, of Camden. ENGAGEMENTS MENT ERVIN-McKELVEY-Mr.
and Mrs. announce the engagement of nelius Clifton McKelvey, son of Kelvey, of Selma. The wedding Samuel James Ervin, of Camden, their daughter, Susan Cherry, to CorMr. and Mrs. George Clifton Mewill take place August 6.
GAMBLE-FUNKHOUSER-Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gamble, of Annisquam, Massachusetts, formerly of Charlottesville, Virginia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Rosalie, to A. Paul Funkhouser, son of Samuel King Funkhouser and the late Mrs.
Jane co*cke Funkhouser, of Roanoke, Virginia. The wedding will take place in February. McFARLAND-JACOBS Mrs. R. D.
of her daughter, Miss Lucille Jacobs, of Craig Air Force Base, cross, Georgia. The wedding WILLIAMS-KELLY-Mr. and Mrs. engagement and approaching Bell Williams of Montgomery, the marriage to take place on COUNTY CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Orville Home Demonstration Club held its meeting of Friday, June 24, at the school. Eleven members and one visitor were present.
Miss Dorothy Hixson, Home Demonstration agent, gave a demonstration on Slip Covers. Mrs. L. S. Moore assisted her in making a chair cover, and during the demonstration many helpful suggestions were given on cutting and fitting.
Miss Hixson also announced August 19 as the date for Achievement Day, which will be held at Camp Grist. A picnic. luncheon spread at midday was a delightful feature. The next meeting of the club will be held July 22 at the home of Mrs. Lyle Hillman.
A dress revue will be held and each member is asked to wear a cotton dress which she Thad made. Add years Most Selma's' Complete of life WATCH to your watch' REPAIR Your old watch can still be SHOP made to keep good time if properly serviced. ALL WATCH REPAIR WORK DONE HERE IS ELECTRONICALLY TESTED ON A Watch Master EXPERT REPAIRING Parts for all AmerAT MODEST COST ican and Swiss watches New Cases and Dials For pocket watches, ladies and men's wrist watches. New Crystals for all Watches Rock style crystals in clear, blue, green and amber BEWIG Jewelry Optical Co, "Selma's Finest Jewelers" Eugenia Sherrill Smith and Lucius Thayer Wed On June 24 in Newton, Massachusetts A Bermuda honeymoon rill Smith to Lucius June 24 in the Second the daughter of Mr. niece of Edgar P.
former Ruth Russell. with her parents. Mr. followed the marriage of Miss Eugenia SherHarrison Thayer, 2nd, which was solemnized on Church of Newton, Massachusetts. The bride 1 is and Mrs.
Sher rill Smith, of West Newton, and a Russell, of Selma, her mother' being the She has visited Selma on different occasions Thayer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Ells- worth. Thayer, also of West Newton. Stanfil, of Mobile, maternal aunt of the bride, was among out-of-town guests who attended the wedding.
Woodwardia ferns, white stock and Easter lilies were the decorative background for the afternoon ceremony at which the Rev. Theodore Greene and the Rev. Robert Clyde Yarbrough were (joint officiants. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin styled with a tight bodice with portrait neckline outlined with Ve. netian lace, long pointed sleeves, and a slender skirt which terminated in a cathedral train.
Her fingertip veil was caught to a coronet of matching lace. She carried white orchids. Miss Virginia Thayer, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Louise Bond, of Essex Falls, New Jersey, Miss Elizabeth 'Ann Burgess, of West Newton, Miss Sheila T. Cordingley, of Chestnut Hill, Miss Joan Fitzgerald, of Milton; Miss Betsy Smith, of Boston, and Miss Miriam Williamson O' Day, of Brookline. They wore matching white bouffant dresses and carried cascades of Vanda orchids, which matched their headdress.
Thomas B. Speare, of Weston, attended Mr. Thayer as best man. The ushers were D. Reynolds Moore, of Brooklyn, N.
Jackson G. Barry, of Waban, William R. Walton, of Fort Worth, Texas, Samuel Montgomery, of Cambridge, Thayer A. Greene, of New Britain, and Robert D. Miller, of Stralford, Pennsylvania.
The wedding reception was held at Brae Burn Country Club, which was decorated with smilax, white stock, gladiolis and snapdragons. Mrs. Smith, mother of the bride, wire a navy blue sheer dinner dress with Chantilly lace trim and a picture hat of matching material. Her corsage was of white orchids. The grooms's mother.
wore Caribbean blue lace and chiffon with matching hat and corsage of pale pink orchids. Upon their return from Bermuda Mr. and Mrs. Thayer will be at home at Cambridge, Mass. The bride is a graduate of Beaver Country Day School and Coley Junior College, and made her debut during the '47-48 season.
The groom tended Phillips Exeter Academy and is a graduate of Amherst College. His fraternities are Phi Beta Kappa and Psi Upsilon. MISS EVELYN CARLTON BRIDE OF MR. MORGAN The marriage of Miss Evelyn Carlton, daughter of Mrs. Dume Carlton and the late Mr.
Carlton, of Thomaston, to Fred Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgan, took place on June 12 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the Thomaston Methodist Church. The Rev. T.
H. Moxie performed the ceremony before an altar banked with southern smilax and potted ferns. Baskets of white gladioli and cathedral candelabra which held lighted tapers were placed at intervals against the greenery. The candles were lighted by Gray Carlton and D. L.
Morgan. Mrs. Frank Thomas, pianist, played the nuptial preludes and the traditional wedding marches. Miss Inez Cannon sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride entered with her brother, Orman Carlton, by whom she was given in marriage. She wore a pink palm beach suit with white lace.
blouse and hat and other accessories of white. Her flowers were a shoulder corsage, of orchids. Mrs. Bill Moseley, a sister of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a blue mesh suit with navy blue accessories. Mrs.
J. H. Sanders, sister of the groom, wore an orchid linen dress with white accessories. A. C.
Morgan, attended the groom as best man. The ushers were Raymond Carlton, D. C. Morgan and Russell and Gray Carlton. Immediately following the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Morgan left for a wedding trip after. which they will be at home in Catherine, Alabama. JANIE ELLIS MORGAN TO BE CHRISTENED TODAY Janie Ellis Morgan, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl C. Morgan, will be christened Sunday morning in the Davidson Memorial Church of the Holy Cross in Uniontown. The Rev. E. W.
Gamble, retired rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Selma, will officiate at the ceremony which will take place at 10:30 o'clock in the presence of the family and close friends. The godparents will be Miss Alberta Setzer, of Uniontown, and Lt. Col. Joy Dow, of Kennebunkport, Maine, with whom Mr.
Morgan served during World War I1, and now assigned to the Staff of the Secretary of Defense. WMS CANCELS MONDAY MEETING Keener announces the engagement McFarland, to Sergeant Johnnie son of Mrs. J. S. Jacobs, of Waywill be solemnized in August.
Alto Lee Williams announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary to Quilla Marshall Kelly, of Selma, August 20. UNKHOUSER ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gam- ble, of Annisquam, Massachusetts, formerly of Charlottesville, Virginia, announce the engagement daughter, Eleanor Rosalie, to A.
Paul Funkhouser, son of Samuel King Kunkhouser and the late Mrs. Jane co*cke Funkhouser, 'of Roanoke, Virginia. Miss Gamble, grand-daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Edward W. Gamble, of Selma, Alabama, and the late Dr.
and Mrs. Charles W. Kent, of the University of Virginia, is a4 graduate of St. Anne's School and is attending Hollins College. She was presented to society in St.
Louis in the 1947-1948 season. Mr. Funkhouser graduated from Woodberry Forest School Princeton University, class of 1945, where he was a member of the Ivy Club and Phi Beta Kappa. After serving in the Army, he is now attending the Law School of the University of Virginia and is a member of St. Anthony Hall, the Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, and is an editor of the Virginia Law Review.
His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Lucian co*cke, of Roanoke, Virginia, and the Reverend and Mrs. A. Paul Funkhouser, of Harrisonburg, Virginia.
The wedding will take place in February at the University of Virginia. MISS MARGARET WORD TO WED IN CALIFORNIA Miss Margaret Word, who has been a resident of Montgomery for the past three years, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Word, prior to her marriage to Major Edward John Sass, Jr.
Mrs. Word and the bride-to-be will leave July 19 for San Francisco, for a few wee vacation preceding the wedding which will take place August 8 at Monterrey, California. Major Sass is attending, Army Language School at the Presidio of Monterrey in preparation for his assignment to the Joint BrazilUnited State Military Commission in Rio de Janerio. WILLIAMS-MOORE MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Daisy Plyna Williams to L. Franklin Moore, of Roanoke, on June 18 at Williamsburg, Va.
Mrs. Julian Rutherford and Miss Margaret Moore, sisters of the groom, and Mrs. William Cawthon, a cousin, were attendants to the bride at the ceremony solemnized in the Williamsburg Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs.
Moore will make their home in Roanoke. The groom is a grandson of General J. W. Moore, of Selma. CARNEGIE.
LIBRARY CLOSED ON MONDAY The Carnegie Library main closed Monday in of the Fourth of July. MISS SUSAN ERVIN TO WED MR. McKELVEY Social interest is centered in the announcement made today by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel James Ervin, of Camden, of the engagement of their daughter, Susan Chairs to Cornelius Clifton McKelvey.
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Clifton McKlvey of Selma. The wedding will be an event of August 6. Miss Ervin is a graduate of Wilcox County High School and attended Huntingdon College the past Mr.
McKelvey is a graduate of Albert G. Parrish High School and Alabama Polytechnic Institute, where he was a of Kappa Alpha fraternity. member, the war he served with the Air Force in the E. T. O.
He is now athletic coach in the Wilcox County High School JO ANNE SYKES, PORTER HOWELL ARE WED The First Baptist Church of St. Petersburg was the scene on June 25 for the marriage of Miss Jo Anne Sikes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Boyd Sikes, of that city to Samuel Porter Howell, son of Dr. and Mrs.
John V. Howell, of Marion, Ala. The afternoon ceremony was solemnized against a decorative setting of greenery and lighted tapers, enhanced by satin rosettes which marked the family pews and a white cloth which covered the main aisle. The Rev. Dr.
Earl B. Edington performed the double ring service. Mrs. Richard Dean was soloist and Miss Edna Pike organist. The bride entered with her father wearing gown of lace and marquisette.
was Chantilly, fashioned with a Peter Pan collar and cap sleeves, and the full skirt, designed with wide bands of lace inserted in nylon marquisette, fell in a chapel train. She wore short lace mitts and a veil of imported French illusion held by a coronet of orange blossoms and lace. Her cascade bouquet of gardenias and lilies of the valley was centered with a white orchid corsage. Mrs. William Dixon Gresh, a sister, was matron of honor and the, bridesmaids were Miss Marjorie Furr, of Shreveport, Miss Sylvia Stoll and Miss Betty Head.
The matron of honor wore white marquisette over pink taffeta and the bridesmaids, pink marquisette, their being styled alike with an off-shoulder double bertha. Mrs. Gresh carried pink rosebuds trimmed with white maline and the bridesmaids carried American beauty roses. All wore pearl necklaces, a gift of the bride, and marquisette and lily-of-the valley halos. Judy Gresh, a niece of the bride, was flower girl, and was dressed in pink organdy with matching halo.
Her flowers were rosebuds in miniature, bouquet. Manly Lee, of Marion, attended Mr. Howell as best man. The ushers were Leigh Pegues, Kenneth Barton, and Tom Nichols, also of Marion, and William Gresh. A reception was held at the Suwanee Hotel following the mony.
White flowers and candles decorated the bride's table which was centered by a three-tiered cake topped by a china slipper holding a miniature bridal bouquet. Mrs. Sikes received guests in a gown of cafe au lait crepe and lace, with which she wore black accessories and corsage of deep pink roses. Mrs. Howell, mother of the groom, wore aqua crepe with pink and aqua accessories, and corsage of pink rosebuds.
After a wedding trip through the South, Mr. and Mrs. Howell will make their home in Marion until fall when both will enter Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn. The bride is a former student at Judson College. McLAIN-WILLIAMS MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED The marriage of Miss Ellen Louise McLain, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. McLain, of Robertsdale, to Joseph Clark Williams, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Williams, of Camden, was solemnized Tuesday afternoon, June 28, in the First Baptist Church of Robertsdale. The Rev. B.
Vaughn, pastor, officiated. The double ring ceremony was performed before a chancel banked with yucca and ferns. Standards of white gladioli and asters were placed at intervals against a background of burning tapers in gradulated candelabra, decorated with trailing fern. The family pews were marked with miniature arrangements of gladioli. and ribbon.
Prior to the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was present ed by Mrs. William Gwaltney. pianist, and Miss Virginia Garrett, vocalist, who rendered "Oh Promise The traditional, wedding marches were used. The bride entered with her father by' whom she was given in marriage. She was lovely in a fitted suit of white, salyna.
The sleeves were three quarter length with wide cuffs. Her accessories were white with a white. orchid corsage. Mrs. George Hicks Strother, of Birmingham, sister of the groom, was matron of honor.
She was dressed in a pink palm beach suit with white accessories. Her corsage was of white roses. The groom was attended by Bill Williams, of Birmingham, as best man. Ezell McLain, brother of the bride, and George. Hicks Strother, of Birmingham, brother-in-law of the groom, served as ushers.
Mrs. McLain wore for her daughter's wedding a white printed crepe dress with black accessories and corsage of, pink rose buds. Mrs. Williams, mother of the groom, wore a dress of dark aqua crepe with black and white accessories. Her corsage was of pink rose buds.
Mrs. Williams is a graduate of Robertsdale High School and Alabama College. For the past two years she has been the Home Economics teacher in Camden. Mr. Williams is a graduate of Camden High School and Auburn.
ACTIVITY AT BAPTIST. HOSPITAL Miss Virginia Little, superintendent of nurses, attended the public hearing on nursing legislation held by the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives in Montgomery the past Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Paviol is on vacation, and for the weekend, Miss Joyce Schuster and Miss Mildred Jones are visiting in Birmingham. Miss Mary Bell visited in Briarfield and Montevallo the past week.
Miss Venice Chism is the weekend guest of her parents at Star ton. WILLIAMS-KELLY ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED A LOVELY bride-to-be, Miss Eleanor Roselie Gamble, above, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Gamble, of Annisquam, and a granddaughter of the Reverend and Mrs.
Edward W. Gamble, of Selma. She will be married to A. Paul Funkhouser, of Roanoke, who is now attending the Law School of the University of Virginia. He is in business with his father in Camden, After a honeymoon trip to Florida and Tennessee, the couple will return to their home in Camden.
Out of town guests were Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Williams, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Lawler and Miss Willene Hyde, all of Camden; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holtom, of Miss Elizabeth Kerr, Greenville, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams and Mrs. Bill Williams of Birmingham, and Mr. and Mrs.
Redger Thompson and daughter, of Greenville, Ala. CHURCH WOMEN MEET WEDNESDAY The Women of Valley Creek Church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Miss Annie ing. BARBECUE AT N. C. 0.
CLUB Members of the N. C. O. Club of Craig Air Force Base and their guests will be entertained at a Fourth of July barbecue and dance. The 'cue will be held during the afternoon, with the dance following in the evening.
Jelly Powell's orchestea will play. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Powell and son, John, have returned to Birmingham after a visit to Mr.
Powell's mother, Mrs. Irene Powell, who accompanied them to Gulf Shores for a week's vacation. Miss Gladys Helton also was a member of the party and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, of Birmingham, joined them on the coast for the weekend.
Of interest to a wide circle of friends is the announcement made today by Mr. and Mrs. Alto Lee Williams, of Dothan, of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Bell Williams, of Montgomery, TO Quilla Marshall Kelly, of Sema. The young couple will be married on August 20 at the First Baptist Church of Montgomery, with Dr. D.
M. Rivers officiating at the ceremony. Williams was graduated from the Dothan High School and later 'attended State Teachers College Mr. Kelly holds a B. S.
degree from the University of Alabama, where he was a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, commerce professional fraternity. Mrs. Dollie Wilson and daughter, Miss Lillie Queen Wilson, and their guest, Mrs. Oscar Pearson, of Ballinger, Texas, a. sister of Mrs.
Wilson, will leave Sunday to spend the remainder of the summer at Mary Esther, Fla. at Rothschild's beginning Tuesday One Group COTTON DRESSES also Pastels and Sheers off! New Arrivals in Summer Dresses and Formals Voiles 12.95 Bembergs Swiss and Higher Chiffons OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY 4th Exclusively Rothschild's The First Baptist WMS has cancelled its' Monday meeting because will re- of the holiday, and instead will observance have. its program and business of Miss Annie King. Ladies Wear.