The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

THE SELMA TIMES- Heart Attack Set Cause Of Death Investigation which placed. two alibiing Negroes at the scene of a "murder" near Minter Saturday night proved useless Sunday morning when an autopsy showed the cause of death to be a heart attack. according to the Dallas County Sheriff's Department. Investigating sheriff's deputies M. F.

Suther and J. E. Hewston said Will Cooper, about 55, died of a heart attack after a fight with two other Negroes over the payment of a one dollar towing fee. Cooper, who lived on' the Harrell Watts place near Sardis, was found in a ditch about two miles east of Minter Saturday night, approximately 120 feet from his auto. The auto was also in the ditch.

State Toxicologist Dr. C. J. Reh- he ling said death was due to a heart attack. Investigation by the deputies revealed the following story: Cooper and several other Negroes were en route to a party when Cooper's car went into the ditch.

Cooper was left at his car while the others went on to the party. He later flagged down William "Buddy" Price and Henry Brown and promised to pay them a' dollar if they would pull his car out of the ditch. Price and Brown attempted the job but soon found own car in the same ditch. Cooper refused payment and a scuffle ensued, during which Cooper cut Price the don left arm. Another car, driven by Johnnie Anderson and laden with partybound Negroes, stopped the scene.

Cooper told them had ate been robbed. His son, Will Cooper got out of the car and the rest of the Negroes continued on to the party. The younger Cooper was apparently cuffed by Price and Brown and took refuge in the brush nearby. He said he saw his father slapped once and later drop to the group, but that he saw no blow that would cause death. Brown and Price left Cooper in the ditch, thinking they had killed him.

They pulled their car out and went to the party. Dr. Rehling said Cooper had a heart condition and that the exertion and excitement caused the heart attack. The Negroes were released after Dr. Rehling's examination of the body.

24.00-27.00; good and choice 600-900 lb, 24.00-25.00; medium and good heifers medium and good heifers 20.00- 23.00; Calves 300; active steady, choice vealers 29.50-32.00; good 25.00-29.00; Hogs 1400; active around steady; bulk 1-3 195-240 lb, 17.00-17.25; sows 14.00-15.00; 6 JOURNAL OBITUARY MRS. ELIZABETH M. NELSON Mrs. Elizabeth McCammon Nelson, 78, 414 Parkman died Saturday night in a local hospital after a short illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.

Tuesdav. at Lawrence Funeral Home Chapel, Rev. T. Frank Mathews officiating, Interment willbe in New Live Oak Cemetery. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs.

Elizabeth Coleman, Selma; one brother, Col. John E. McCammon, U.S. Army retired, of Bradenton, one grandson, William Ray Wills, of Selma; and one greatgranddaughter, Suzanne Wills, of Lumberton, N. C.

MISS ANNA L. ALLINDER LINDEN Funeral services for Miss Anna Locke Allinder, 17, who died in an automobile accident Friday, were held from the Linden Baptist Church Sunday at 2 p.m. The pastor, the Rev. Joe Patterson, officiated at the services for Miss Allinder. Burial was in the Myrtlewood Cemetery, Cook and Spigener of Demopolis directing.

Miss Allinder is, survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Allinder of Linden; and two brothers, I.

N. Allinder, and Presnal Allinder, of Linden. Miss Allinder, who was a student at the vocational school in Selma, was a member of the Linden Baptist Church, and was a former. student aty Linden High School. Professional Nurses Attend Convention At least four professional nurses from Selma will attend the annual convention of the Alabama State Nurses' Association at the Mortimer Jordan Armory in Birmingham on Nov.

1-3. Among those expected to attend from Selma are Miss Maude Renshaw, Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, Miss Mary Felts and Nellie Yelder. "Progressive Nursing Progressive Nurses" is the theme of the convention and will be discussed by outstanding authorities from U.S. Public Health Service and the American Nurses' Assn.

State Sen. Vaughn Hill Robison, of Montgomery, also a featured speaker, will discuss "Progress Health Legislation in Alabama" at an open program session on Thursday evening. Some 500 nurses are expected to attend the meeting. CONVENIENT PLACE Selma firemen answered a. call to Selma Avenue and Lapsley Street Sunday morning where a backfire thru the carburetor caused minor damage to an auto." Owner of the auto? Fireman T.

O. Stokes. Asthma Formula Prescribed Most By Doctors Available Now Without Prescription Stops Attacks in Minutes Relief Lasts for Hours! New York, N. Y. (Special) -The asthma These Primatene Tabformula prescribed more than any lets open bronchial tubes, loosen other by doctors for their private congestion, relieve taut nervous tenpatients is now available to asthma sion.

All without painful injections. without prescription. The secret combines sufferers Medical tests proved formula 3 medicines (in full this asthma attacks in minutes and prescription stops strength) found most effective in gives hours of freedom from recur- combination asthma distress. of painful asthma spasms. for rence This formula is so effective that it Each performs a special purpose.

is the physicians' leading asthma So look forward to sleep at night, prescription without safe that prescription now it can in and Primatene freedom only from 984, at asthma any spasms. drugmost states in tiny tablets called store. America's greatness achieves with best-fitting pleating! ade to height sportempos. CUSTOM-CONTOURED "INNER SECRET" SKIRTS So very personally yours, a Sportempos skirt that gives you custom- perfect IN 3 at a perfectly fitting price! DIMENSIONS No matter what your size and TORSO i I height, you'll find the skirt you can step into and wear without THE THE LENGTH an alteration because Measure-Made THROUGH ACROSS to-Height means dimensions proportioned TEENY, to your TINY, TYPICAL, Faultlessly tailored with "Secret Panel" seat liningsand custom-contoured waistbands $14.98 Leon's MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1962 Benefit Program Will Be Offered Senior Citizens During the month of November, Alabama's senior citizens will be offered a comprehensive hospital benefit program from Alabama Blue -Cross-Blue Shield, without regard to their health condition or age. Medical and surgical benefits to help pay doctor bills also will be part of the health package.

The new program will be offered individual Alabama citizens who now 65 years old or older, or who will reach their 65th birthday by June 30, 1963. This enrollment period will give opportunity to thousands of senior citizens who may have been unto obtain comprehensive health coverage in the past. $9.50 Per Month The entire package-hospital, medical and surgical--will cost $9.50 per montn per individual, and will be billed once every two months. H. F.

Singleton, president of Alabama Blue Cross-Blue Shield, estimates that about 60,000 of Alabama's aged already are enrolled with Blue Cross. There are more than 250,000 persons over years of age in Alabama. Of this number, 100,000 are eligible for the state's old-age health program under the State Department of Pensions and Security, and are enrolled in the stateadministered program which provides some hospital care and limited medical care. An estimated 100,000 additional persons would be eligible for participation in the program announced today by Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Those now enrolled in Blue CrossBlue Shield should not apply for the new plan announced today.

The new plan offers 70 days of hospital care in semi-private room accommodations with no dollar limit benefits on all other covered hospital services. If a private room is desired, the individual must pay the difference. Benefit Outlined Benefits outlined in the new plan are subject to the member paying the first $50 of contract benefits and beginning on the third day, payment $5 per day for each day of in the hospital is staff also assessed. The medical coverage is designed to help senior citizens in paying medical and surgical bills. Beginning with the fourth day of a hospital admission, a non-surgical patient will receive credit for $5 per visit by the doctor, one visit per day, for 10 days.

Thereafter, the patient will receive $3 per visit for a total of 57 additional days. The surgical coverage pays according to a special surgical schedule with payments ranging from approximately $5 for minor procedures to slightly above $200 for some major procedures. It is expected that the new proTram will continue to be offered after the close of the 30-day November open enrollment period, although it will be underwritten for health purposes, and subject to other normal enrollment regulations after November. Effective date of the new program for enrollments during November, will be December 5, 1962. Demopolis Man Held After Auto Theft A Demopolis man on probation from federal authorities has been arrested by the Selma Police Department on charges of burglarizding an auto, according to Police Capt.

W. M. Ware. Ware said Robert Wayne Martin, 81, Cedar Street, Demopolis, is charged with burglarizing an auto at Quaille's Motel on Highway 80 west of Selma. Additional charges will probably be placed against Martin by the Demopolis Police Department, Ware stated.

The captain said Martin is under investigation in connection with a series of burglaries and may be implicated in several of including a grand larceny case for auto theft. WORK BEGINS NEW YORK (AP) Think you've got leaves to rake? New York City expects to collect an estimated 67,000 tons of the stuff in its annual autumnleaves, cleanup has some beginning 546,000 today. curbside trees: CHAIRMAN NAMED MONTREAT, N. C. (AP) A.

J. Coleman of Mobile, has been named chairman of the Lay Activities Committee the Assembly Men's Council the of Presbyterian Church, U. S. when It met at Montreat Sunday. (Continued From Page 1) offensive weapons are removed.

The National Security: Council's executive committee met for an hour today and will continue to convene daily at the White House for the time being, Salinger said. Washington policymakers held hope-mixed with liberal doses of caution- -that a breakthrough has been scored in the U.S.-Soviet contronation that bordered on potential nuclear conflict. Khrushchev's pledge was hailed in Western capitals as a stunning victory for, the United States. No Deals Informed sources said there were no deals or secret understandings involved with the Soviet leader's offer to dismantle the Cuban bases and return their rockets to the Soviet Union. The only price he asked was a guarantee, which Kennedy gave, that the United States would not invade Cuba.

American diplomats focused op working arrangements for U.N. inspection of withdrawal from Cuba of the "grim weapons" which Khrushchev, under threat of forceful U.S. action, dramatically announced he would ship back to the Soviet Union. U.N. Acting Secretary-General Thant to fly to Cuba Tuesday.

hope is that arranged, he can take with him a workable inspection plan to present to Prime Minister Fidel Castro. Khrushchev sent Deputy Foreigh Vassily Kuznetsov to New York to negotiate. He said on his arrival Sunday night "we are sure peace can be achieved if all parties concerned will exercise good will and a reasonable ap- proach." Marking Time Militarily, the U.S. Navy marked time while Soviet ships once headed for Cuba stayed from two to three days' sailing time away. The State Department announced that while the quarantine against offensive weapons shipments to Cuba continues, it expects no interceptions by the U.

S. blockaders. Khrushchev agreed to de-fuse the missile bases in a letter to Kennedy made public Sunday morning in Moscow. The Soviet leader said interests of peace" guided his decision. Obviously eager to match his adversary's conciliatory Kennedy issued a public statement praising Khrushchey's decision as statesmanlike and as important and constructive contribution to peace." In a quick reply to the premier, Kennedy said Khrushchev had made possible "a stept back from danger." Kennedy stuck to his main point -the nuclear missile buildup in Cuba would have to be removed before there could be "sensible negotiation" on a peaceful settlement of the crisis.

The tension-filled week was climaxed with Khrushchev's latest letter, meeting the basic U. S. demand and suggesting United Nations supervision. The Soviet leader also proposed discussions on arms reductions, including armaments of the rival North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Communist Warsaw Pact group, and talks on easing other cold war tensions. He omitted any mention of a deal involving Turkey.

About the only controversial note was a charge that a U.S. reconnaissance plane had violated Soviet air space in Asia Sunday. Kennedy acknowledged the straying of the plane, but said it was due to a serious navigational error. "I regret this incident and will see to it that every precaution is taken to prevent recurrance," the President told Khrushchev. Pending solid evidence that the missile bases will be torn down, the aerial surveillance of Cuba continued.

"There has been no order, at this time, for any relaxation of the activities that we have been carrying on," a Pentagon spokesman said. There was no relaxation of the blockade. Authorities here do not regard a Cuban settlement as foreshadowing any letup in Red pressures elsewhere. They still expect, for instance, that Moscow may heat up the Berlin issue to crisis proportions over the next few months. ALEXANDER PROMOTED Larry Alexander of Selma, has been promoted to airman second class in the United States Air Force.

Airman Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Alexander, 401. Third is assigned to the 6986th Mobile Radio Group at Wakkanai Air Station, Japan.

He is a graduate of A. G. Parrish High School. SANDRA KAY DID YOU ENJOY YES, I LIKE LECTURES THAT'S THE THE MEETINGS WHEN THEY ARE NOT WAY I FEEL OVER MY HEAD ABOUT PIGEONS You will enjoy having a checking account with us. You simply deposit your pay check then you write checks for all your bills, and a check for deposit to your savings account.

You will find it safe and handy. Open your CHECKING ACCOUNT with us soon. The City National Bank of Selma Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Physical Education Workshop LINDEN- Assistant Physical Education Professor Jane B. Moore, of Livingston State College, presented a physical education workshop for elementary schools at the October meeting of the Linden Teachers Association, held in the auditorium of the Linden ary School. The speaker discussed "Legal Liability and Safety At Play." Assisting Professor Moore in this workshop were LSC physical education majors Marie Brooke and Paris Watson, Mrs.

Marie Law, LTA president, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Grace Whitley, a member of the Linden Elementary School faculty gave the theme of the devotional. The hymn "How Great Thou Art" was sung by the guest soloist, Jerry Walker, of Linden. The handbooks were given out to LTA members by the chairman, Mrs.

Rachel Watts. MARKETS NOON Allis Chal -13 Am Air Am Baker Am Can 41 Am Mot -Am Sugar Am Am Tob Anaconda 38 Armour Babco*ck Balt Ohio Beat Fds Bell How Beth Steel Boeing Borden 46 Burl Ind 22 Calum Cater Trac 32 Celanese Ches Ohio 47 Coca Cola 78 Colg Palm Collins Radio 8 Com Ed Con Edis Cont Can Cruc StI Delta Air 22 Dow Chem 50 du Pont 209 East Air East Kod El Auto Fair Whit Firestone 27 Fla Fla Ford Mot Foremost Dal Frueh Tra Gen Dynam Gen Elec Gen Fds Gen Mills Gen Mtrs Gen Tel El Genesco Ga Pac. Cp Goodrich 40 Goodyear Gt Greyhound 26 QUOTATIONS Gulf Oil Hercules Pdr Int Harv Int Paper Int Rectif Kaiser Kress KVP Suth Ligg. My 68 Lockh Air Lou -Nash Macy Martin Co Masonite Merr 715 Mpls Monsan Mont Ward Nat Dairy Nat Distill Olin Math 28 Owens Ill GI Penney 40 Pepsi Cola Pet Milk 37 Phill Pet Pure Oil A Rals Pur Repub Stl Rexall Reyn Met 50 Rey Tob St Regis Pap Seab AL RR Sears Roeb Sinclair 30 Scony 51 Sou Co Sperry Rd Std Brand Std Oil Cal Std Oil NJ 51 Stud Pack Swift Texaco Un Bag-Camp Un Oil Cal Unit Airc Unit Fruit Unit Gas Cp US Steel 39. Warner West Un Tel Westg Elec Winn Dixie NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Cotton futures opened $1.25 to $3.30 8 bale lower.

Prev. Close Open Dec 33.93B 33.62B Mar 34.48B 34.12B May 34.56B 34.17B Jul 33.39B 32.87B Oct 30.41B 29.77B Dec 30.38B 39.72B Mar 30.64B 29.99B B-Bid. NEW FORK COTTON NEW YORK (AP) -Cotton futures opened $1.80 to $3.30 lower than the previous close. Prev. Close Open Dec 33.96 33.65B Mar 34.51 34.15 May 34.59 34.20 Jul 33.42B 32.90 Oct 30.44B 29.80 Dec 30.41B 29.75 Mar 30.68B 30.02 B-Bid.

NASHVILLE LIVESTOCK NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -Cattle 2500; generally active steady, some weakness late on cows; choice 900 lb slaughter steers; 27.00; good 23.50-25.50; standard and good yearlings mostly heifers 21.00-23.00; commercial cows 16.00- 17.00; utility and commercial bulls 17.00- 18.00; sales feeder steers, good and choice 350-550 lb, 27.50-28.50; medium and good DELCHAMPS "Low Prices Every Day On Everything You Buy" PRICES GOOD all WEEK BABY BEEF SALE ROUND STEAK LB. 69 RIB STEAK LB. 59 RUMP ROAST LB. 59 SHOULDER ROAST LB.


TIN 49c DELCHAMPS "Low Prices Every Day On Everything You Buy".

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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